Group Coachings

Growing together, radiating individually

I want to collaborate with you! Join one of my group coachings and get a peer-to-peer inspiration boost. Learn, question, try out, interact, explore and have fun!

My group coachings are held in German or English.

My approach is...


I don’t want to overload you with information. Let’s explore ideas together, have fun and take with us what resonates.


I will share my positive energy with you and encourage your motivation throughout the process.


My group coachings comprise a mixed bag of information, discussion, self-reflection and team work that trigger new thoughts and perspectives.

Wanna stay tuned?

Then sign up for my (German) newsletter and look forward to occasional updates, new events and inspiration boosts!

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Or join my WhatsApp group via this link or the following QR code so you don’t miss out on upcoming projects:


Still have questions?

Be curious! Ask questions! I’m here to help and answer your questions. I look forward to hearing from you.